OKI History
The Our Kids Initiative is a committee formed in 2000 in an effort to bring leaders from all governing bodies together to discuss what could be done to help all swimmers in the United States have the ability to compete without fear of being disqualified, regardless of whether the competition was held under, World Aquatics - AQUA (formerly FINA), NCAA, NFHS, USA-S, USMS, or YMCA rules.
The underlying philosophy is each governing body will maintain its own identity and leave behind personal agendas and egos. The various representatives have embraced this philosophy completely.
It was quickly realized that one set of rules may never be accomplished. This led to the belief that we would ‘agree to disagree’ but that we all would meet face to face continually striving to improve the competitive environment for all swimmers.
Not only has the Our Kids Initiative been a forum for rule discussions and review, it has also become a sounding board for each group with special difficulties in determining policy in administrative procedures and facility concerns. Organizations with issues from time to time have inquired about the Our Kids Initiative model in an attempt to resolve internal issues. Each governing body has members of other organizations as a part of a committee and/or board in order to keep communications open. It has become the norm for periodic communication among members of the committee and their respective governing bodies throughout the year.
The committee members of ASCA, CSCAA, CSOA, AQUA, NCAA, NFHS, NISCA, USA-Swimming, USMS, USOPC, and the YMCA have accepted the challenge of communication for the betterment of the sport for all of our athletes. The beneficiaries of this effort are the athletes in the USA who practice and compete in each other’s pools throughout the country and who represent us internationally.